Alright so today's movie was "The Exorcism of Emily Rose". I had always had an interest in this film seeing as any exorcism movie usually puts a damper on my sleep. This movie actually did keep me awake and had me thinking.
I don't think it was a ridiculously scary movie, I wasn't jumping out of my seat or hiding my face but the fact that it was a loosely based on a true story got me thinking and feeling very uneasy. I grew up going to church and reading about the devil and have always had this uncomfortable feeling when I watch exorcism movies or read about anything that was taken from true stories. I'm no bible humper but I do not deny the possibilities.
I learned something interesting in the movie as well. In the movie, at 3AM every morning something would happen within the house. The priest says that 3 AM is "the devil's hour" and evil spirits use it to mock the Holy Trinity. It is also said that Jesus died at 3PM so the significance of 3AM is to be the opposite. I found this interesting seeing as I have watched several movies where "the devil's hour" or "the witching hour" is 3AM. From what I've researched on this the "witching hour" can be midnight as well, but still, an interesting bit of information I'll be bringing out when trying to make conversation.
So back to the actual movie. It was loosely based on the story of Anneleise Michel, a woman from Germany who was said to be possessed and died after many failed exorcisms. She was treated for mental disorders many times and they all failed. She was diagnosed with epilepsy at one point but once her family believed she was possessed they stopped all treatment. The coroner said she died in her sleep and died of starvation and dehydration seeing as she wasn't ingesting anything. Her parents and the two priests who were there during the exorcisms were all arrested and charged with neglect for not providing her with medical care and sentenced to 6 months in prison. There are tape recordings and photographs of her during exorcisms, if you want to get creeped out look 'em up. The movie shared most of this information and just went off on another path for a more religious ending. The movie wasn't horrible, however I didn't expect it to be set in a court room. I more expected seeing the day to day of Emily Rose living with what she believed to be demonic possession.
Believe what you want about what the truth was behind this story. Whether it was a mental disorder and an over-reaction from religious parents or legitimate possession, I take all of the possibilities into mind and don't rule anything out. Just doing a bit of research on this has made me feel very uneasy so clearly I have found what truly gets me a little scared; the unknown. I may not be as religious as I was when I was a kid and don't live with much religion in my day to day life but if it comes down to good versus evil, I'd like to know some ones got my back.
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